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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Science---Reflection on what I have learnt this year

This year, I have learnt many new topics in Science. I felt that the pace at which we were learning was very fast. I was able to understand most of the chemical bonding, periodic table and atomic structure. However, I only managed to understand a little on chemical equations. I found it hard to grasp on that topic, partly because it was a very new topic to me and I did not have sufficient time to study for it. I should have revised more on that topic before taking the test and I think that would have helped me a lot. While revising for my Science test, I found that the teacher's notes was very helpful. It summarises all the points that were required to learnt. This is very beneficial to our learning as the notes are also very clear. If we have any grey areas in the topic or we need help understanding something, that is where the notes come in handy. Secondly, I felt that the work done in the Science laboratory was very interactive and engaging, making our learning more fun. The Science experiments are also different from those last year. These Science experiment require more skill and have interesting but they could have potentially dangerous outcomes. This gives us the opportunity to practice self-control when in the laboratory as well as responsibility. We are also required to follow the laboratory rules strictly because the laboratory has many dangerous things and breaking of the rules could put our safety as well as that of others at risk. However, I still find that there could be more explanations for the class as to why this or that happened. I hope that I would be able to understand and grasp all the topics successfully in the subsequent terms and keep up with the pace at which we are going. I also hope to do better during Science laboratory lessons and be able to follow the instructions to the best of my ability.

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